Sunday, July 15, 2007

Unit III Chapter11

Chapter 11

Skeletal System

Overview of the Skeletal System

- Supports the body

- Protects soft body parts

- Produces blood cells

- Stores minerals and fats

- The skeleton with muscles provides flexibility and movement

Anatomy of a Long Bone

- Medullary cavity (yellow bone marrow)

- Articular cartilage

- Periosteum


- Compact bone (osteocytes)

- Spongy bone (red bone marrow)


- Hyaline cartilage

- Fibrocartilage

- Elastic cartilage

Fibrous Connective Tissue

- Ligaments

- Tendons

Bone Growth, Remodeling, and Repair

- Osteoblasts

- Osteocytes

- Osteoclasts

Bone Development and Growth

- Intramembranous Ossification

- Endochondral Ossification

- The cartilage model

- The bone collar

- The primary ossification center

- The medullary cavity and secondary ossification sites

- The epiphyseal plate

Hormones Affect Bone Growth

- Growth Hormone (GH)

- Vitamin D

Bone Remodeling and Its Role in Homeostasis

- 18% of bone recycled annually

Bone Repair

- Hematoma

- Fibrocartilaginous callus

- Bony callus

- Remodeling

Bones of the Axial Skeleton

- Skull

- Hyoid Bone

- Vertebral Column

- Rib Cage

Skull (cranium)

- Frontal bone

- Parietal bone

- Occipital bone

- Foramen Magnum

- Temporal bone

- Sphenoid bone

- Ethmoid bone

Facial Bones

- Mandible

- Maxillae

- Zygomatic bones

- Nasal bones

Hyoid Bone

Vertebral Column

- 33 Vertebrae

- 7 Cervical

- 12 Thoracic

- 5 Lumbar

- 5 Sacral (fused)

- 4 Coccyx (fused)

Intervertebral Disks

- Fibrocartilage

The Rib Cage

- 12 Ribs and associated cartilage

- 12 Thoracic Vertebrae

- Sternum

The Bones of the Appendicular Skeleton

The Pectoral Girdle and the Upper Limb

- The Pectoral Girdle

- Scapula

- Clavicle

- The Upper Limb


- Radius

- Ulna

- Carpals

- Metacarpals

- Phalanges

The Pelvic Girdle and the Lower Limb

- The Pelvic Girdle

- Coxal Bone

- The Lower Limb

- Femur

- Tibia

- Fibula

- Patella

- Tarsals

- Metatarsals

- Phalanges


- Fibrous Joint

- Cartilaginous Joint

- Synovial Joint


Human Biology 10th Edition by Sylvia S. Mader

Larry M. Frolich Power Point Unit III

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